Sunday, April 5, 2009






“母亲节” 是我们五兄弟姐妹们最重视的一个节日。我和姐弟妹们经常都会想一些特别的点子来给妈妈一个惊喜。比如, 弄一个晚餐让妈妈享受,或作一个特大的母亲节卡等等。由于我们姐妹都很喜欢手工艺品,因此做给妈妈的卡片都特别的精致哦!

如今,我们各个都离乡背井去了。 回家的路途又很长,就这样回家的时间是少之又少了。

我相信, 很多朋友都象我一样。。。经常没有“阿妈靓汤”喝的日子是多么的不幸福啊。。。



就这样我邀请了嫣妤,帮我写一首华语歌词;Ravinder 帮我写一首英文歌词。




The more one gives, the more he will get in is really true!

It is so satisfying to be able to help do music for someone, much much more than even doing it for my own self.

Racheal Music is now working on something special that can be used by everyone!
and it can be used for a very special occasion coming up soon.........
That is....Mother's Day!

The song will be appropriate for all mother everywhere...........
Mother's day is truly a special occasion that is very often neglected! For the person that has played a very big part in all our lives. Even before we were born, they were suffering with morning sickness, tiredness, backache etc etc. Surely the traditional card, and sometimes flowers or even dinner is no longer sufficient. We need something special for this dear person in all our lives, something that they can appreciate even many months after.
We are working on a Do It Yourself song not only for our own darling mothers, but anyone else who may feel like us that this year we want to do something different.

The D.I.Y. lyrics is completed, Yen Yee assisted with the Mandarin lyrics and Ravin the English lyrics.

After the lyrics, I completed the melody, and now working on the song arrangement and production.

Will keep you posted.....................:-)

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